Bringing the appropriate social media and celebrity influencers to an event can up the impact of any event. To get the best results, it's helpful to provide a rich canvas of assets for compelling photos and the appropriate environment to keep people excited and engaged.
As caterers, we can help with both! Catering for influencer events is an exercise in taking care of VIPs and in creating compelling spaces and messages that can be used to generate a conversation. We offer a number of different options that can help with influencer events at all kinds:
How do you get your message to spread to the right places with the right commentary?
Social media is about making an impression that catches fire and generates earned media or an e-commerce boost. While this differs by channel, visual elements and the space to interact with them is generally a great starting point
We helped a beautiful haircare brand host an influencer day filled with tutorials, wellness services, and delicious food. The company was launching...(click on highlighted event's name for more details)